It takes strength and courage to raise children under Stalin's oppressive rule, in the deep spiritual darkness that is WWII-era Soviet Russia. Join DovBer and Risha Paltiel as they struggle to teach their children how to be good people and upright Jews, despite incessant challenges.
In this touching memoir, Miriam Paltiel Nevel creates a portrait of grief and triumph and tells one family's story of kindness and tenacity in the fate of overwhelming odds and powerful adversity.
S/C. 101 Pages. Published by the author.

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Levi and his classmates as they go on an exciting trip to the Matzah bakery.
Brace yourself for a delightful experience as they delve into the ago-old tradition of Matzah baking.
H/C. Laminated Pages. Published by the Author.

Tales of great individuals and ordinary people who displayed unparalleled heroism, extraordinary kindness and tremendous love for Hashem.
The best esrogim go missing, an entire bedroom is filled with feathers, Reb Chaim dresses up as a Rebbe, Moshe Cossack promises matzah for Pesach, there is a potato shortage in Krestir, an old bus breaks down on the way to Meron, Gemara and Rashi heal a troubled soul, the Rebbe pays a thief handsomely, and more.
212 Pages. S/C. Published by: BSD Publishers

Teach & Touch is a heartwarming series of stories in rhyme that appeal to the senses – including touch.
The stories instill the love and beauty of the Torah in both listeners and readers. The story of Noach is presented in a creative and friendly way that conveys a vivid portrayal of the times to young children.
12 Pages. Board book. Touch & Feel. 8.5 x 8.5. Published by: Malchus Haketer

Reb Zushe the Partisan, the yeshivah of his youth, his Holocaust experiences as a yeshivah bachur and particularly his exciting experiences as a brave soldier in the legendary Bielski partisan unit.
We learn about his dedication to Torah study, determination to do mitzvos and his missions to rescue his Jewish brethren despite the danger to his life. Hashgachah pratis miraculously guarded him, even during the days that he suffered from hunger and had to hide from the German bombers.
Reb Zusha's life story is a story of drama and suspense, interspersed with amazing educational lessons and values.
Comics. H/C. pages. Published by: Orot

Reb Zushe the Partisan, the yeshivah of his youth, his Holocaust experiences as a yeshivah bachur and particularly his exciting experiences as a brave soldier in the legendary Bielski partisan unit.
We learn about his dedication to Torah study, determination to do mitzvos and his missions to rescue his Jewish brethren despite the danger to his life. Hashgachah pratis miraculously guarded him, even during the days that he suffered from hunger and had to hide from the German bombers.
Reb Zusha's life story is a story of drama and suspense, interspersed with amazing educational lessons and values.
Comics. H/C. pages. Published by: Orot

BACK IN STOCK! New and improved!
Touch & Feel your way through the Bais Hamikdash
Imagine the Bais Hamikdash floating down onto its mountain in Yerushalayim.
Once again, we will offer korbonos.
Once again, we will light the golden Menorah.
Once again, we will see miracles before our eyes.
Board book. 8 x 8. Published by: Malchus Haketer

Reb Leizer spent twenty years (!) of his life in prisons and labor camps in Siberia.
These were twenty years of inhumane suffering. Reb Leizer was beaten and tortured, imprisoned with murderers and thieves.
But he did not capitulate!
Throughout the years of imprisonment and exile, his spirit remained strong. During those frightening years, his emunah and chassidus became even stronger.
The story was adapted for children and youth in this quality comics edition, creating a riveting, suspenseful drama.
H/C. 44 pages. 9.5 x 12.5.Published by: Orot

Reb Leizer spent twenty years (!) of his life in prisons and labor camps in Siberia.
These were twenty years of inhumane suffering. Reb Leizer was beaten and tortured, imprisoned with murderers and thieves.
But he did not capitulate!
Throughout the years of imprisonment and exile, his spirit remained strong. During those frightening years, his emunah and chassidus became even stronger.
The story was adapted for children and youth in this quality comics edition, creating a riveting, suspenseful drama.
H/C. 44 pages. 9.5 x 12.5.Published by: Orot

Reb Leizer spent twenty years (!) of his life in prisons and labor camps in Siberia.
These were twenty years of inhumane suffering. Reb Leizer was beaten and tortured, imprisoned with murderers and thieves.
But he did not capitulate!
Throughout the years of imprisonment and exile, his spirit remained strong. During those frightening years, his emunah and chassidus became even stronger.
The story was adapted for children and youth in this quality comics edition, creating a riveting, suspenseful drama.
H/C. 44 pages. 9.5 x 12.5.Published by: Orot

In this fourth and final volume of this series, together with Reb Leizer, we experience the harsh labor the communists meted out and learn about true Jewish courage.
Even as his term of imprisonment draws to an end, his troubles and hardships don't go away. But no matter what happens, he's emunah in Hashem doesn't waver.
H/C. 44 pages. 9.5 x 12.5 Published by: Orot

Children will identify with the heartwarming story taken from their own little world. The simple language and artistic pictures blend together to transmit a message about the importance of Ahavas Yisroel that brings the geula closer. The story will encourage children to achieve as many "small triumphs" as possible.
Laminated pages
H/C. 24 Laminated pages. Published by: Orot

A rich man – is forced to abandon his palace…
An earthquake – at the right moment…
A dramatic chase – between thunderous waterfalls…
A dilapidated hut – hiding a big secret…
Find out the rest in the colorful pages of this comic book, vividly brings to life the brilliant tales of the holy Baal Shem Tov.
ISBN: 978-1-945288-08-1 H\C, 48 pages, 8.5 x 12.Published by: BSD Publishers
Also available: Mezibuz #2 and Mezibuz Yiddish.

A boat docks at a mysterious remote island....
How do you sail across the ocean on a handkerchief?
A top commander insists that his soldiers' training take the most roundabout route...
And why would the Baal Shem Tov ask a poor person for his very last piece of bread?
Get all the answers in the new thrilling graphic comics - Mezibuz 2.
H\C, 44 pages, 8.5 x 12. Published by: Malchus Haketer
Also available: Mezibuz #1 and Mezibuz Yiddish.

Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin operated a giant kosher meat processing plant.
He was a victim of a libel, and the court gave him an unprecedented verdict. Jews throughout the world davened for him and the best lawyers tried to reduce his sentence. It seemed their efforts weren’t helping, but Reb Sholom Mordechai never gave up, his emunah and bitachon in Hashem onlygrew stronger.
And then, when it seemed that there was no hope left, Reb Sholom Mordechai suddenly received the news that he was freed!
The emotional, dramatic story, saturated with emunah, was adapted for the very first time in this comic book.
H/C. Large format 9.5 x 12.5. Published by; Orot

Parsha stories, one for every night of the week - for each parsha in Sefer Bereishis. You and your children will find them stimulating and entertaining, and a springboard for meaningful and personal discussions.
Yaffa Leba Gottlieb has once again displayed her talents with these captivating Torah stories and stunning pictures.
ISBN: 978-1-945288-09-8 H\C, 237 pages, 8.5 x 12. Published by: BSD Publishers

This series is just right for little children. It presents ideas from their small world in a light, simple manner.
The charming stories are accompanied by sweet illustrations that are sure to appeal to lively little children.
Board Book, H/C, 6 x 6, 12 pages. Published by: Orot

An easy-to-read synopsis to understand and review Tanya
Chapter-by-chapter synopsis of Tanya, which enables you to capture the outline of all the 53 chapters. Whether you follow the daily schedule of Chitas or another pattern, the synopsis offers a quick review and a general overview to assist in understanding the Tanya as a whole.
S/C, 4 x 7, Chabad, 168 pages, Published by: BSD Publishers
ISBN 9781945288036

Bereishis & Chanukah
Popular author Zalman Ruderman utilizes his renowned talent to tell stories that will engage both child and adult alike. These pages contain stirring tales of great individuals and ordinary people who displayed unparalleled heroism, extraordinary kindness and tremendous love for Hashem – Reb Pinchas Koritzer's visit to the blind violinist, heartbreaking sobs emanating from the office of Reb Moshe Feinstein, the woman who lost everything save her emunah, the impossible conditions set by the Chidushei Harim to expand his Yeshiva, a RoshHakohol who saved three communities, and more.
Tales for the Shabbos Table has 4 stories for each Parsha as well as 6 stories for each Yom Tov.
Children — and adults — will eagerly anticipate story time at the Shabbos table.
H/C, 9 x 6, 384 pages, Published by: BSD Publishers. ISBN 9781945288029
Also available: Vol 2 Shemos, Vol 3 Vayikra, Vol 4 Bamidbar and Vol 5 Devorim.

Shemos, Tu Beshvat & Purim
Popular author Zalman Ruderman utilizes his renowned talent to tell stories that will engage both child and adult alike. These pages contain stirring tales of great individuals and ordinary people who displayed unparalleled heroism, extraordinary kindness and tremendous love for Hashem – Reb Pinchas Koritzer's visit to the blind violinist, heartbreaking sobs emanating from the office of Reb Moshe Feinstein, the woman who lost everything save her emunah, the impossible conditions set by the Chidushei Harim to expand his Yeshiva, a RoshHakohol who saved three communities, and more.
Tales for the Shabbos Table has 4 stories for each Parsha as well as 6 stories for each Yom Tov.
Children — and adults — will eagerly anticipate story time at the Shabbos table.
H/C, 9 x 6, 380 pages, Published by: BSD Publishers. ISBN 9781945288043
Also available: Vol 1 Bereishis, Vol 3 Vayikra, Vol 4 Bamidbar and Vol 5 Devorim.

Vayikra, Pesach & Lag Baomer
Popular author Zalman Ruderman utilizes his renowned talent to tell stories that will engage both child and adult alike. These pages contain stirring tales of great individuals and ordinary people who displayed unparalleled heroism, extraordinary kindness and tremendous love for Hashem – Reb Pinchas Koritzer's visit to the blind violinist, heartbreaking sobs emanating from the office of Reb Moshe Feinstein, the woman who lost everything save her emunah, the impossible conditions set by the Chidushei Harim to expand his Yeshiva, a RoshHakohol who saved three communities, and more.
Tales for the Shabbos Table has stories for each Parsha as well as stories for each Yom Tov.
Children — and adults — will eagerly anticipate story time at the Shabbos table.
H/C, 9 x 6, 288 pages, Published by: BSD Publishers. ISBN 9781945288067
Also available: Vol 1 Bereishis, Vol 2 Shemos, Vol 4 Bamidbar and Vol 5 Devorim.

Bamidbar & Shavuos
Popular author Zalman Ruderman utilizes his renowned talent to tell stories that will engage both child and adult alike. These pages contain stirring tales of great individuals and ordinary people who displayed unparalleled heroism, extraordinary kindness and tremendous love for Hashem – Reb Pinchas Koritzer's visit to the blind violinist, heartbreaking sobs emanating from the office of Reb Moshe Feinstein, the woman who lost everything save her emunah, the impossible conditions set by the Chidushei Harim to expand his Yeshiva, a RoshHakohol who saved three communities, and more.
Tales for the Shabbos Table has stories for each Parsha as well as stories for each Yom Tov.
Children — and adults — will eagerly anticipate story time at the Shabbos table.
H/C, 9 x 6, 276 pages, Published by: BSD Publishers. ISBN 9781945288074
Also available: Vol 1 Bereishis, Vol 2 Shemos, Vol 3 Vayikra and Vol 5 Devorim.

Tales for the Shabbos Table has stories for each Parsha as well as stories for each Yom Tov.
Devarim includes stories for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippus, Sukkos and Simchas Torah.
Children — and adults — will eagerly anticipate story time at the Shabbos table.
H/C, 9 x 6, 464 pages, Published by: BSD Publishers. ISBN 9781945288111
Set is now complete!
Also available: Vol 1 Bereishis, Vol 2 Shemos, Vol 3 Vayikra and Vol 4 Bamidbar.

From a deserted house to a frightening train ride to danger in Paris. Great stories of Chassidim, the challenges they faced, the decisions they made.
This book will help children make the right choice when faced with obstacles.
For the young reader by Mendy Weiss
H/C, 44 full color pages, 8.5 x 12, Published by: BSD Publishers
ISBN 9780985525095

108 pages, full color, H/C, Published by BSD Publishers
ISBN 9780985525088

Three hundred years ago the Jewish community of Eastern Europe was slowly breaking apart, threatening it's very foundation.
Read about a secret society that set out to repair the rift.
Timeless tales to educate and fascinate today's young readers.
Once Upon a Journey are true stories of hidden tzaddikim, famous leaders and simple Jews based on historical writings.
H/C, 360 Pages, 6x9, Published By: BSD Publishers
ISBN 9780985525040

The KGB, A frightening water fall, Would the Bar Mitzvah arguments ever end? Separated twins, The secret the new classmate was hiding, An inheritance worth millions, Can the Beis Din calm down the town? And much much more...
Zalman Ruderman's adventures for young readers present suspenseful plots and teach care and concern for others in a thought-provoking and exciting style.
S/C. 216 pages. Published by: BSD Publishers

אוצר מלא של סיפורים אותנטיים ומלא חיים מההווי של מאה שערים
מפרי עטו של הרה"ח ר' שייע ליפקין ע"ה, אשר כונה ר' שייע בפי כול.
היה במשך עשרות שנים המשפיע של בית הכנסת חב"ד בשכונת מאה שערים בירושלים. דמות ייחודית, מקורית ויוצאת דופן.
מחבר הספר: בנימין ליפקין
Hebrew, H/C, Published by: Chazak

This volume has many extras: Calendar for daily study, Halachas from Shulchan Oruch when it differs, explanations of chassidus on the Ramba"m and much more..
בין המעלות הייחודיות של הספר ניתן לציין את החידושים הבאים: נוסח מדוייק לפי כתבי יד מדויקים, איורים ותרשימים מהימנים ששילב הרמב"ם בספרו והושמטו בדפוסים המצויים. ניקוד מלא להקלת ההבנה והקריאה. פיסוק וסימני תחביר. ביאורי מילים ומונחים. "השגות הראב"ד". "מקורות היד" – מעל 60,000 מקורות לפסקי הרמב"ם. "מקבילות הרמב"ם" - ציונים למובאות מקבילות מספרי הרמב"ם האחרים. כזה ראה וקדש - מבוא וסקירה להלכות קידוש החודש בליווי תרשימים תלת מימדיים. "יד להלכה" – ציון פסקי ההלכה שנפסקו בשו"ע ושו"ע אדמו"ר הזקן דלא כהרמב"ם. "עיטורי מלך" – מעל 2000 הפניות לכל ביאורי הרבי. ציון עקבי של השיעורים היומיים – לפי כל המסלולים בשיטה ייחודית פרקטית. "מורה שיעור" רב שנתי, לכל המסלולים, משולב בתוך הספר. "דבר מלכות" – שיחות הרבי אודות תקנת לימוד הרמב"ם היומי, ותוכן ה"הדרנים". מבוא מקיף אודות תקנת לימוד הרמב"ם וחשיבותה. תולדות הרמב"ם. נספחים – מענות קודש, התכתבויות עם הרב קאפח, מכתב למלך מרוקו, ומיצגים שונים.

With over 250 -comics style- illustrations and Rabbeinu Bertenura explanations, this new Pirkei Avos is sure to make it exciting to learn and internalize the ethics of our fathers.
Enjoyable learning for Children and adults.
Hebrew with Nikkudos..
H/C. 300 Pages. Published by: Malchus Haketer